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AUTHOR: Dominique Morisseau
DIRECTOR: Robyn Hastings
RUN: May 18 – June 15, 2024
Fridays & Saturdays 8pm, Sundays at 2pm. Special performances on Thursday and Sunday nights may be added for private parties and special events.
This is a volunteer community theater production. Non-Equity. There is no pay.
Open Call:
Dates: Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26, 2024
(Auditioners only need to come to one night of Open Call Auditions.)
Times: 7pm – 9pm
Location: Long Beach Playhouse
Callbacks: By Invitation Only.
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Times: 7pm – 10pm
First Read-Through: Saturday, March 30, 2024, Noon – 4pm.
Regular Rehearsal: Starting April 1, Monday – Thurs. 7pm – 10 pm; Saturdays 10am to 2pm, and Sunday, April 28, 5:30pm – 8:30pm.
(Please see beginning rehearsal schedule BELOW for specific dates and times.)
Location: Long Beach Playhouse
Bring headshot and resume.
Sides for cold readings will be provided at the auditions.
“Detroit ’67“ is a play that explores the lives of a brother and sister who run an after-hours bar in their basement during the 1967 Detroit Riots. Chelle and Lank inherit their parents’ house and each have a different dream for their inheritance. Lank wants to use their inheritance to buy a bar downtown, but Chelle wants the stability the money brings. When a mysterious woman finds her way into their lives, the siblings clash over much more than the family business. As their pent-up feelings erupt, so does their city, and they find themselves caught in the middle of the ’67 Detroit uprising. As tensions explode in the streets, will Chelle and Lank be able to hold onto their fragile family ties and their ever present dreams?
“Detroit ‘67” is originally a part of a trilogy of plays called The Detroit Project which examines the history and culture of the city of Detroit in different decades.
CHELLE (F, late 30’s to early 40’s) Black woman. Strong, steadfast, firm and not easily impressed. A widow, mother and sister. A loving heart beneath her pride.
LANK (Langston) (M, early to late 30’s) Black man. Cool, loving and charismatic. A dreamer. He has a special effect on women – but is not a womanizer. Chelle’s younger brother.
BUNNY (Bonita) (F, 30’s to 40’s) Black woman. Sexy, spunky, fun and joyful. A friend and sometimes a lover. Never lets nothing get her down.
SLY (Sylvester) (M, late 30’s to early 40’s) Black man. Hip, slick and sweet-talking. An honest hustler and numbers man. Fiercely loyal. Lank’s best buddy.
CAROLINE (F, late 20’s to early 30’s) White woman. Beautiful, quiet strength, troubled, soft and mysterious. There is a world of danger behind her eyes.