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Playing in the Long Beach Playhouse’s Mainstage Theater
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Lauren Velasco
AUDITION DATES:  Sept. 9 – 11, 2024
  • Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 – 7pm – 9pm: Open Call
  • Tuesday,  Sept. 10, 2024 – 7pm – 9pm: Open Call
  • Wednesday, September, 11 – 7pm – 10pm: Callbacks – By invitation only.

(Auditioners only need to come to one night of open call auditions.  We are only seeing in-person auditioners during audition times – no video submissions.)

PERFORMANCE DATES:  Nov. 2 – Nov. 30, 2024



AUTHOR: William Shakespeare

DIRECTOR: Lauren Velasco

RUN: Nov. 2 – Nov. 30, 2024

Fridays & Saturdays 8pm, Sundays at 2pm. Special performances on Thursday and Sunday nights may be added for private parties and special events.

This is a volunteer community theater production.  Non-Equity.  There is no pay. 

Open Call:

Dates: Monday, September 9th, 2024 and Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

(Auditioners only need to come to one night of Open Call Auditions.)

Times: 7pm – 9pm

Location: Long Beach Playhouse  

Callbacks: By Invitation Only.

Date: Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Times: 7pm – 10pm


First Read-Through: Saturday, September 14th, Noon – 4pm

Regular Rehearsal: Starts Sunday, September 15th (Sundays not regular rehearsal days.) Mondays – Thursdays: 7pm – 10pm; Saturdays: 9am – 1pm.

Possible rehearsal Friday, October 25th: 7pm-10pm

(Please see beginning rehearsal schedule BELOW for specific dates and times.)

Location: Long Beach Playhouse

NOTE: Open to working with some conflicts except for tech dates and performances. 


Bring headshot and resume. 

Memorize a Shakespeare monologue no longer than 1 minute (Either dramatic or comedic) or cold read from a side. Sides for cold readings will be provided at the auditions.

(We are only seeing in-person auditioners during audition times – no video submissions.)


Once upon a time there were two households both alike in dignity… Told in the style of Grimm’s fairytales, this classic tragedy is the story two young teenagers falling in love and losing their lives due to their family’s ancient grudge. This timeless story explores themes of love, vengeance, and what our youth is owed. 


PLEASE NOTE: Some actors may be asked to move set pieces. Many roles are double-cast. Actors of all ethnicities and genders are encouraged to audition.

  1. ROMEO (M, 18+ to play 16-17): Son of the Montagues. He is intelligent, sensitive, passionate, rash, and idealistic. He loves with all his heart, but not wisely. Will be required to sword fight.
  1. MONTAGUE (M or F, 40’s-70’s): Romeo’s father or mother and head of the Montagues. A distant parental figure. Will also play Friar John, Storyteller, and Lord/Lady.
  1. BENVOLIO (M or F, 18+ to play 16-20’s): A Montague and Romeo’s cousin. He attempts to foster peace rather than violence. Will be required to sword fight.
  1. BALTHASAR (M or F, 18+ to play 16-20’s): Romeo’s serving man. He’s a dedicated servant and friend. Will be required to sword fight.
  1. JULIET (F, 18+ to look 16 – 17): The 13-year-old daughter of the Capulet’s. A funny, naïve, romantic, impatient, and playful young girl. She is discovering the world around her.
  1. CAPULET (M, 40’s – 70’s): Juliet’s father and head of the Capulets. He has a polite public demeanor and an abusive private demeanor. He is decisive, stubborn, and easily enraged.
  1. LADY CAPULET (F, 30’s – 40’s): Juliet’s mother. Married very young and a distant parental figure. She lost many children before Juliet and doesn’t know how to show her love for Juliet.
  1. NURSE (F, 30’s – 60’s): Nurse to Juliet. A talkative, dirty-minded, and caring woman that is very practical. She is like a mother to Juliet.
  1. TYBALT (M or F, 20’s – 30’s): Nephew to the Capulets. Juliet’s cousin on her mother’s side. Aggressive, hotheaded, prideful, and stubborn. He’s/She’s fueled by vengeance. Will be required to sword fight.
  1. PARIS (M, 18-20’s): The Prince’s kinsman and Juliet’s suitor. Presumptuous, emotional, and has noble manners. Will also play Sampson. Will be required to sword fight.
  1. PRINCE ESCALUS (M or F, 16-20’s): Prince of Verona. Young and thrust into a position of power. Seeks to keep the peace and swift in judgement. Will also play Peter.
  1. MERCUTIO (M or F, 18+ to play 16-20’s): The Prince’s kinsman and Romeo’s friend. Irreverent, bitingly witty, and bold. In this telling he/she can harness minor magical powers. Will also play Gregory. Will be required to sword fight.
  1. FRIAR LAWRENCE (M, 40’s – 70’s): A Franciscan friar. He is a civic-minded man that is often the voice of reason. As good intentioned as he is, there is also a self-serving side to this man. 

September 9, 2024 @ 7:00 pm September 11, 2024 @ 7:00 pm